The news that I had breast cancer and the treatments that followed were a real shock on every level of my life; an earthquake that shook every aspect of my existence. A battle against illness that I lived through in great solitude. Withdrawal, loss of confidence and suffering that I couldn’t express to anyone.
The opening of the OTIUM Center in June 2018 was a lifesaver for me! A wonderful place that offered me treatment and an alternative approach to coping with my illness; a chance to reconnect with a social and spiritual life. This is the starting point for the “RESILIENCE” discussion group with Boaz Feldman. I was immediately struck by the incredible benevolence and wonderful humanity that reigned during these sessions. Right from the start, there’s a real synergy between people, creative cooperation and a deep sense of solidarity, providing the ideal breeding ground for real group therapy. I feel totally confident and I can finally express myself without fear of judgement and with the certainty of being understood and supported.
I no longer feel like a poor fragmented victim but a total being! The group’s attentiveness, tolerance and humanity lift me up, enriching me with a new energy that enables me to transform traumas into life experience and resume the course of my personal evolution. The word “resilience” becomes a living reality. I can take note of my wounds and emotions to overcome them and move towards greater happiness. Together.
Rebuilding. Together.
Living mindfully. Together.
Moving towards healing. Together! What a contrast with the isolation in which I had shut myself! What a liberation!
Boaz gives us, with all his heart, a space of calm, well-being and above all freedom, with respect and a contagious joy that emanates from his person and inspires, encourages and uplifts me. Strengthens me.
I’m immensely grateful to him, to this wonderful group and to the OTIUM Center for making these meetings possible.
Thank you.